Resolution-75-23 No Cop City Fitchburg 

Fitchburg is poised to spend $50 million on its own "Cop City," following the latest national trend of building oversized and expensive police training facilities. Freedom Action Now is developing an alternative budget for the City of Fitchburg which would put the needs of low-income Black and Southeast Asian Communities first.

AB975 Abortion Restriction Bill 

In accordance with our campaign to protect bodily autonomy, Freedom Action Now is working to prevent policies that govern the right to choose whether or not, when, or how we form families including legislation that restricts the right to abortion. 

AB377 AB378 AB465 Anti Trans Bills 

Freedom Action Now stands against legislation which would restrict the right to gender-affirming, medically necessary treatment for transgender youth and prevent them participating in school-related sports teams in alignment with their gender identity. 

SEA Relief and Responsibility Campaign (SEARR)

  • Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act (H.R. 3518) 
  • Legacies of War Recognition and Unexploded Ordnance Removal Act (H.R. 9540 / S.3795)
  • New Way Forward Act (H.R. 2374)

Freedom Action Now is part of the SEARR coalition to end the displacement of Southeast Asian communities and heal from the collective traumas of US wars in Southeast Asia. Our national policy platform calls for 1) the U.S. to take responsibility for the destabilization of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam due to its military intervention during the war and 2) immediate relief for our people who have been targeted for detentions and deportations since the early 2000s. 

Survivor’s Agenda Campaign  

Freedom Action Now, Inc. is developing the Survivor’s Agenda, which is a policy platform that centers transformative rather than punitive justice to address the trauma and harms survivors of gender-based violence have endured. Directly informed by the testimony of survivors spanning multiple Wisconsin counties, this report will create bold action — through progressive policy changes — to protect and empower Black and Southeast Asian women and girls, and queer, trans, and intersex communities.

SB801/AB845 Ending Juvenile Life without Parole 

Freedom Action Now continues to mobilize for this legislation against the over-policing and incarceration of our youth as we recognize that a punitive system cannot enact justice. In addition to supporting policies that reflect justice, liberation, and the inherent worth of every young person, we work actively towards repairing the harm done to young people and families under the policy of juvenile life sentences.