Original post on Freedom Inc's Facebook Page
Our beloved leader Jessica Williams has been set free from Dane County Jail. Shortly before the maximum time District Attorney Ismael Ozanne was legally allowed to hold her without bringing charges before a judge, Jessica was released due to "lack of evidence".
Truly, our most valuable tool in the fight for Black liberation is our ability to organize in defense of one another. This victory over the state was made possible by each and every member, supporter, close friend, and family member who participated in our phone jams, shared a story of support, and showed up at tonight's PP&J meeting. Take time to celebrate this win tonight!
As overwhelmed with joy as we are that Jessica is physically free, DA Ozanne continues his patterns of abuse and control by refusing to completely dismiss the bogus charges. He has agreed to release Jessica in order to "investigate". Now she has to live with the possibility of being "summoned" away from her family at any moment. This is a shameful display of state sanctioned repression by an elected official, and is a gross abuse of power. It must end NOW!
Join us on FB Live tomorrow morning at 11am for an update and further action steps in our efforts to get justice for Kenyairra, Jessica, and countless other Black women being punished for surviving. We will hold DA Ozanne and his accomplices accountable. We will create a world where Black women and girls, Queer, Trans, and Intersex folx are finally afforded basic human rights, such as self defense.
Love & Power,
Freedom, Inc.
#ShowUp4Jessica #DefendBlackWomen